Over the years I have worked alongside hundreds of not-for-profit organisations – big and small. All these organisations have one thing in common: talented and committed people. In most cases, they also have really good leaders, women and men with a vision and a dedication to their work.
Despite this, many of these organisations are struggling in some way. The typical struggles these organisations face include:
These struggles are systemic. There are no simple solutions. They cannot be solved by one team or by the senior leadership team alone. Otherwise, they would be solved.
Instead, these issues reflects a leadership gap within the organisation. To tackle them requires the organisation to expand its ‘leadership’.
Leadership gaps appear even in organisations with excellent teams. They are not a sign of failure but a sympton of a changing context.
How can we tackle the leadership gap?
This year I trialled a new approach: the leadership lab. It enables organisations to develop the leadership they require for the problems they face.
The lab is designed around the leadership gap the organisation faces:
Most importantly, it unlocks new possibilities in areas critcial to the organisation’s sucess.
Does the leadership lab work?
This year I have used the lab with two organisations. Both reported that it built their leadership. It increased their capacity to deal with difficult issues and their ability to make descisions.
If you have spotted a leadership gap in your organisation, I would be happy to share how you can develop the lab to build the leadership you need.
It’s possible.